Max Racer - Racer X

Max Racer - Racer X


Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Power of Love!

"Um, what's the most powerful thing on the planet?"

I had this highly anticipated thought in my high school days.

A simple question like this simply came up to my immature mind, only because we had a kind of an argument going on that day, during the lunch break. The two people, who were in this audience-backed debate, was myself and my friend.
The argument at the school was just a trigger to me to get the rusted ball-bearings and the worn out pistons in my scarcely used mind, back to for a job like this...

A Hydraulic Brake

I was holding the side for Engines as the most powerful thing and my friend was supporting the "hydraulic brakes" thing. I very keen on making me believe that I really wanted to get all my points in the argument convinced to my friend and to finally make an impression that I would win..

But what happened to me was a magic, and it still remains a wonder even to this day!

The next day, I had come to school with fully known facts about powerful diesel engine's and their capacity in doing Herculean tasks which couldn't be much efficiently by anything else in specific fields, the cost efficient working, advantages, etc.

The way I entered the class was much like a star-scientist, who comes into the place like he found a solution to a 500-year old science theory's contradictory concept! I even oversaw my friends who said  "Hey, Good morning punk! What about your debate?".

The thing was I couldn't let my focus and attention be drawn out by some of the silliest things and, which means to me a sure failure at the debate after having quite a challenging task and a show-off thing that would eventually come to a downfall if I did fail!

Suddenly, a female voice in the background of my thoughts! "Hi, Kashyap! Good morning."!

What's that? Something in my mind itself? Or is it someone for real?  "I don't feel good today. What's wrong with me?". I was determined to show off as I said earlier. But, this feeling of an uneasy going of time made me a little awkward, in a sense, I was starting to regret why I took this strange, unwanted trouble on myself.

And again the voice broke out - "Busy with your debate thing?.. Well, good luck for that!".

Now, my mind was making me turn my head back to that voice that was kind of disturbing me, but had been giving a smooth start for the day. "Look who it is!". I said to myself. "Oh! today is my lucky day, whether I win or lose the thing with that debate guy! Damn that thing, man! Today is my luckiest day!"

You might wonder what the hell happened to me after a short time gap passed between my thoughts. Well, the girl who was talking to me from behind, in a one way conversation was my CRUSH. She was my love, in my heart, which never ever dreamed of any such thing and had only spent its 16 years of service, along with giving place for things like the love for muscle cars, classic bikes, especially Royal Enfield Bullet and Indian(the American motorcycle which had been stopped since long decades!) and all the things that related to wheels.

And now, I really appreciate if you didn't ask her name here. The simple reason behind this, me, as a first-time love struck guy, with not a single idea of what true love was,  is a simple thing! THE POWER OF LOVE!

What happened to me later that day still remains a wonderful magic, like I told you before, mate!

I turned to her and I replied - "Hi, good morning! Sorry, a little hurried up today! Don't mind...". She seemed to grasp every tone off my voice and I knew that I shouldn't possibly let her know that she was my first crush and I didn't mind  treating her like a Goddess of Life and even worshipping her! That would distort my reputation about my character, with which I was well-known for, with all my show-offs, negligence towards the idea that, love stories, all liked by everyone, and school students earned their first experiences with that in school!

An irony as it may seem, I now totally wanted to scrap idea about the debate issue, for which I was standing on the edge my toes, and really wished time to bring us together until my quench for spending all the time of my life with her came to quite a satisfying climax! I wanted to talk to her for centuries and wanted to keep staring her innocent, cute, for a hundred millenia! Stupid love, huh?!

It did happen, bro! There was a change in the time table and the strict geography teacher, whom we all kind of disliked, was to come to the class for his hours! My place on the bench was on an unwanted side by me, because it was the most favourite and most wanted place for the teacher! Sorry, Mr.Geography Sir; I am shifting my place to the one diagonally behind her place!

 "Thank God! Today, I ll take all the favouring times and try to stay near her. Whatever may happen! I couldn't miss her sight. I couldn't miss her even for a second! Let me accept that I am in love, Kash!".

I couldn't believe myself! I was sitting just behind the most lovely and beautiful girl on the planet:-) Lol. I really loved every second of time, every moment of my life now! What more could I ask Him for?

All of a sudden, we could see our sir coming. "Awe. Come on, Sir!. Why so soon? It's been a couple of seconds since I came here!". At least I was happy that he wouldn't call me and make me sit in his favourite spot! That was the feeling right now that was coming out of my heart! "Place is first dude! Girl, comes only if this place is mine!". I could hear myself loudly grumbling this. Huh, what else could a poor guy like me pray for? He couldn't live his life if the girl was not in sight, literally!

I don't know how the whole hour got over in a short time, like 5-10 minutes!? Was it the whole 40 minutes that I spent seeing this Beauty that was glaring to my eyes like an angel? Or didn't Sir see that I was not at all present mentally in his class?? - I didn't even bothered to know what had happened in the past 40 minutes of my day dreaming, or love dreaming rather! As I said, it was really a lucky day!

It was lunch. And suddenly my friend with the debate issue was dragging me to our daily place where we used to have lunch, for the debate! His eyes shone like he had already edged me out and was on the hoods of his triumph over a dumb-head like me! I really didn't want to waste my time in a debate and miss my feelings which were all flying in the air!

I told him - "Pal, I don't feel good! Let me go to and get freshened up!", after I felt sudden uneasiness, having no idea what the reason was.

"What happened Kash? Is everything alright? Here, let me come along."

"No man, its alright. Just a headache it should be. I can manage. Carry on with our guys, bro. I ll meet you at our "adda"."

"Alright Kash. Come soon. Careful, alright?"

"Yo", I thought I almost bid him a good farewell and walked away.

I was now in the wash room getting myself a cold wash with the face. I did my hairstyle with the wet hair. I came out, looked into our geography Sir's old scooter in its mirror. After I was looking good enough to talk to her, I went straight back to the class.

"Where the hell is she!?". My eyes looked at each and every corner for her sole existence and in disappointment, turned back! I thought it was all over. By the time she comes, the right time, mood and feelings wouldn't be there with me! Crap!

I was about to leave class and came up walking slowly towards the door only to take my exit. I came out of the class and now pushed my hands into my pant pockets, like a guy who comes out of a railway station after he embraced his girlfriend for the last time.

"Whoa! Its her, isn't it?"

 She was talking to my another best friend leaning on the walls of the parapet, that were standing at the balcony's edge, in order to support the short grills of the floor where our classroom existed! I took a little curiousity, even though I felt a bit dejected deep inside!

It really would have been odd if I simply joined their conversation which I was curious as to what it was about. Now, it was really difficult to see them together!

"What's this? She and my best friend, together? My friend never talked to any girl in his whole life, and this girl who is destined to me is enjoying the time with this fellow! The hell with my fate!".

God! That was an unusual reaction for myself! I hardly used to worry about anything at all?

And now, "Am I taking this matter seriously? This can't be true!"

I didn't hesitate to join them in desperation to meet her very badly! God, LOVE IS POWERFUL! Ain't it, dear?

The next is little dramatic as it may seem, but that really was what happened that day! The scene still dwells in my heart, rather memory, even today, so strong that I feel like I am enacting the same role even at this moment!

"Hey Kash, heard you have a headache. Howz it now, man?"

"Yeah. Its alright now. So, whats up? You didn't join the boys at the "adda"?", I turned to "my" girl, " Hi. Had your lunch?". I felt so stupid now! But I didn't have anything in mind to put out as an other question! I said to myself - "Chaltha hai!, these two are not supposed to be together today, that too at this time". Of course, it was an important time for me! I was considering the talking to her about love and her stand on it, added to the casual talks.

"How did your debate go?" , she asked me.

"No, that's still not given a head start" , my tone was hardly audible.

"I have some news for you", my friend said now, keeping his hand on my right shoulder.

"Oh, whats that, man?" .

"We are committed, bro!!" .

I was not sure whether what I heard just now was a real thing or I was daydreaming!

"Yes Kashyap, I had crush on him from 3 months. It was growing everyday. And today, I happened to propose him instantly! I only prayed God that he accepted ! He did, Kashyap!" . She took her turn too.

Both of them now, set their eyes on mine, very curious to know what reaction I would give at the first place!

I couldn't still believe that a best friend of mine could be ever related with a girl who gave me the feelings of first love for the first time in this entire playful, cool, kiddish life!

I was divided into two! One with almost a couple of tears that would start rolling down the face in a few seconds. The other holding the facial reaction from within and giving a false smile.

I had to pull myself together and respond to the long waiting "couple" and show myself the way out of the scene. I finally did. I knew that I was about to return to my old life of kiddish,playful and irresponsible behaviour and stay with the same feelings forever.

"Hey! Really?! I couldn't believe what you are saying guys! Come here man, give me a hug! CONGRATULATIONS you two!!!!" , I hugged my friend with a hard feeling for myself. After all, he was really lucky! I didn't find any reason to continue standing there and be a trouble for the world's luckiest pair!


The next minute, I was walking out of the main building, my hands still in my pant pockets. I walked towards the place where our "adda" was, and found my friends enjoying their time with each other. I missed the sight of my best friend who was with "her" , and would be expected to be missing in our company for most of times in the whole future, since he was a "committed" guy now.

I came to the place and my friend saw me. "How are you now, Kash?". I now, realized the true emotion in the voice of my friend. I now knew that he had a great concern to me. Its not that I mean that my best friend didn't have a feeling of care to me. But its just that, I had never seen this much of a comfort and a feeling of "my people" till today. May be its that I saw this "underrated-ly" in the cover of the mad love I had for the so called MY GIRL.

"I am better now!", I had a dull dark face now.

"Alright, come on. Lets get you some lunch. Take rest in the English hour, dude and it'll be cool!" , trying to bite his big chapati roll.

"Did you get to know about them? , he asked referring to the thing which had happened just today.


"Damned right, Kash! Nobody ever thought that guy could get a cool girl ! He is damn lucky!"

"No, she is the lucky one!"

Now, everybody fixed their eyes on me, a little confused.

"Are you saying that he is more deserving to someone like her? Are you nuts?"

I didn't know what to say. I only said so because, I had gained the experience of how it would be like to have the desired person one loves to himself. One who gets that person at any point of time in life, is luckiest according to me...

"Love is Powerful!", I commented on and I remember all the guys packing up their bags and looking at the noodles in my hot box I was just opening.

Today, they are still committed and are quite a made-for-each-other couple. I am still friends with both of them. And strange is that, they both and everybody of our class knows the truth that she was my crush!

I never had a feeling love or crush again in my life till today. We all are and will be together, enjoying every moment we get to share! Because everything we love and share gets a meaning to our lives.


After all,

Love is Really Powerful.

Regards to all "My People".

Saturday, October 2, 2010

National Aerospace Labratories

Well, since I have no other thing to do this week, other than seeing movies, TV shows and listening to yet another new crappy album by a young wannabe star, I have decided to blog about my visit to NAL last Sunday!
(Who wants to talk about that Ayodhya issue, its too damn boring for my tastes :P.. Anyway because of that I've holidays for 4 days in a row!! Don't know whether to rejoice or grumble!)

It was our beloved Rajshekhar Sir who gave us this oppurtunity of a plan about the educational tour to this venue and it was something none of us had ever thought about, considering that nobody else in the whole faculty had really taken up such information oriented programmes..

So, there's this vote of thanks to Sir from all our guys and girls who were part of this programme.

Thank you, Sir.

It was a technological exhibition day at NAL organized as part of the Foundation Day celebrations of CSIR - Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. So my classmates and me made it to their Kodihalli campus by 9 in the morning. To enlighten everybody what NAL is, its a high technology oriented institution concentrating on advanced research in aeronautics and related disciplines.


There was this Kodihalli campus' cricket field, where there was the real highlight of the event, meant for most of the audience which consisted of parents and kids who expected some kind of flashiness and not just the boring scientific talk which went on inside the Belur campus. It included live flight demonstrations of NAL developed MAV's (Micro Air Vehicles) and radio controlled UAV's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).

The M.A.V that was used for the demonstration. Functions within a 2 k.m. range!

MAV is an autonomous flying vehicle capable of carrying a payload and a miniaturized video camera which can locate nearby enemy troops, support military and civilian missions, weather observations and help in anti-terrorist operations, much like a drone. The different maneuvers can be done by a skilled operator.
Anyways, if you have seen the air show on Independence Day on TV, its very much the same, except on a small-scale and there are no human pilots inside the vehicles, not that one can actually fit in even if they try!!The day long event was hosted by NAL's Belur campus.

Collaboration between the different fields of mechanical, computer science and electronics was highly stressed at the event.
When they first told us to board their buses and go to Belur, we were like WTF!!! It would take most of the day just to get there! And what will they show there, historical statues and tourism spots!

I heard someone say - "No thanks, we have seen all of it!". Then they put some sense into our very over excited brains saying it was just another campus some distance away.

The NAL's technological innovations and recent achievements were on display as well. The exhibits included tapping of wind energy, power generation from solar ponds, support to India's space program, smart materials and structural health monitoring materials, among many others.

In the above picture found in the internet database, there are a few people from our class including myself! Pure coincidence with the photographer guy

That was all of what was there for the day! And while coming out at the end, the people there, who volunteered the programme with the demonstrations and interactions for the NAL, gave everybody some snacks like biscuits and frooti's and that almost seemed quite a recollection of the old times, as kids when national fstivals were celebrated at the schools; but this time it was a fresh introduction with the highly technical oriented and an experience with the real models and exhibit displays...

That was a good day out there, for everybody :-)

We hope we will get much more informative and nice trips in the near future.

Kudos! Ciao.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Idea of Life

What's life? Ever thought about getting a precise meaning to it? Well, here goes the well known fact that the definition of life never existed in a precise meaning. You ought to broaden the fields of the thinking mind to feed it with an efficient answer...

What I see life will be different from what the person sitting next to me in a bus traveling to the same destination that we both have to go sees, and what he sees life, may be the same as a person who may be in the other part of the world....Life is common to each and every creature that breathes on this very planet, but what matters so much about it is, the approaches that each entity in this vast space takes it as.

Biology is one subject that explicitly deals with the attributes that are concerned with life and this subjects too begins with the question to its pupils - "What's Life??"....; there is really a small buzz that goes with this topic because everybody else start to think in a way which goes like - "What's the big deal in it, anyway? I live and I live it happily and enjoy every moment dude, for what you are scratching your dumb head..!"

He is right! I am taking my mind to work for a thought about life, instead of being happy that I have a cool life, full of joys and things are awesome around me & stuff...!

Point taken. You often get advices that life is for enjoying and we ruin it with unnecessary show offs ,etc. What I am trying to place here is that, what ethically life has to be done with?? There is a group of people who are righteous in every moment of their righteous lives and they have, ultimately attained the perfect feeling of fulfillment, along with the satisfaction!


There you go Mr.! I am driving my discussion towards that and there is "MY" part of being content or satisfied or getting a fulfillment..

There are things that matter, more than you enjoy your life. Its simply because we live in a place as a part of it and nobody lives his life independently. The true idea of life is a 1:1 time with everything you see around you! That's the best YOU can give to all those things around you. Humanity gets its basic meaning too, from here! Think about it!

 When you show concern toward an animal, a plant, a man trying to cope up with everyday life, a tree being fell for an never achieved success called development, a fellow friend who is having even small amount of downfall in his trials in becoming a businessman, an abandoned ailing old man who waits for his never-turn-back son,a street-side labour who does anything you command him for, to get a piece of bread, then YOU ARE LIVING YOUR LIFE. According to me, when you attain the feeling of content, after dealing with these things around you, you have enjoyed every moment of your LIFE and the happiness that you have "earned" at the ultimatum is what you call "BLISS"....

Take it from yourself folks!

This feeling, I bet, will have had been taken a residence in your hearts at least a minute in your lives, where you had the real enjoyment that you never forgot till this minute! This discussion gets a value only when the reader tends to think something about his own lifetime incidents and in future, tries to think a way bit more maturely!

I truly respect that life which had the chance to make its own meaning worth 'LIVING'!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A New Racer is Born!

Hello dear friends. This blog is a regular blog that u see everywhere else. The only difference u make out here is that this turns aroud the wheels of feelings and the things that revolve around the human heart, mind!

I'd like to say that this is my first blog experience as a owner, so all suggestions, advices and tips are always welcome for the blog to get better everytime and for me to make it more and more interesting and creative!

I hope this blog grows a full family with good posts and topics from all of you..

your pal,
Lakshminarayan Kashyap